Sunday 21 July 2013

Electric Discharge Machining

Electric Discharge Machining is an unconventional machining as here tool doesn't touches the workpiece. The basic principle behind EDM is concept of current, as we know that current is also a form of heat, as if we applied current to any material it definitely gets heated. In EDM we use sparks to melt the metal from the workpiece.

The basic components an EDM are:
  • Power generator and control unit
  • Servo system to feed the tool
  • Tool holder
  • Dielectric reservoir, pump and circulation system

In EDM, a potential difference is applied between the tool and workpiece. Both the tool and workpiece are electrically conductive. The tool and workpiece are immersed in a dielectric medium. Generally, kerosene or deionized water is used as the dielectric medium. A gap is maintained between the tool and the workpiece, due to the applied potential difference between the gap an electric field is generated which produces sparks from tool to workpiece and due to this, local heat increases rapidly resulting in melting of the metal from the workpiece.Generally the workpiece is made anode as it melts faster than the cathode terminal.

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